Introduction to Practical Mindfulness

Introduction to Practical Mindfulness

Wondering why you need to take a mindfulness course?

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  • Last Update March 14, 2022


Course Description

Wondering why you need to take a mindfulness course? We will answer all your questions. Noblero’s practical mindfulness course is the ideal place to begin your journey. The benefits of mindfulness range from relaxing your mind and body to eliminating anxiety. Mindfulness originated from Buddhism and is a great way to achieve balance in life with organized thoughts and peace of mind.

This course highlights the basic techniques that will encourage you to adopt mindfulness practices in your daily routine.

Why Do You Need This Course?

In this course, we have incorporated easy to understand steps for beginners:

Mindful Eating

Eating is a necessary activity for survival and everyone does it at least two to three times a day. It’s important to know what to eat and how it affects your body and productivity. Mindful eating is a part of mindfulness training that enables you to think about the various aspects of your intake and whether it is suitable for your specific body type. Mindful eating comes with several benefits of its own – such as weight loss and improved health which results in increased productivity.

Mindful Breathing

Eating is a necessary activity for survival and everyone does it at least two to three times a day. It’s important to know what to eat and how it affects your body and productivity. Mindful eating is a part of mindfulness training that enables you to think about the various aspects of your intake and whether it is suitable for your specific body type. Mindful eating comes with several benefits of its own – such as weight loss and improved health which results in increased productivity.

Mindful Walking

If you’re willing to take mindfulness practices to the next level, Noblero’s practical mindfulness course includes mindful walking steps that you can perform anywhere. Practicing mindful walking enables you to achieve peace of mind and release negative energy from your body at the same time. When you begin mindful walking for the first time, you’ll feel the sensation of peace with every step you take. This consequently improves your blood flow and enables you to concentrate on the good things in life.

Course Contents and Overview

Noblero’s meditation course comprises more than 50 lectures and is designed to encourage you to exercise meditation in your daily routine.

Video clips are included as a part of each course to assist you with steps that you find difficult to practice.

Step 1–

Introduction and advantages of meditation. Further steps and subtypes of meditation practices.

Step 2–

In this step, we get started with a ten-minute meditation practice. Although this will be an easy step, you’ll find the motivation to go beyond your expectations.

Step 3–

In addition to a test called the 8-limbs of traditional yoga, this step includes methods to test meditation practices that can help you understand the reason for your existence.

Step 4–

This step will enable you to feel inner satisfaction and peace, making it easier for you to incorporate meditation practices into your routine.

Step 5–

This step will enable you to feel inner satisfaction and peace, making it easier for you to incorporate meditation practices into your routine.

Step 6–

You’ve made it! – Now you have the confidence to tackle life’s challenges with confidence.

Step 7–

This section will guide you about additional supplements that you’ll need along the way to find inner peace.

Key Takeaways From this Course

  • Benefits of mindfulness
  • How mindfulness helps overcome chaos
  • Mindfulness as part of meditation
  • Mindfulness for a growth mindset
  • Progressive muscle relaxation
  • Best morning routines for mindfulness
  • How to become more resilient
  • When is mindfulness the most beneficial

Who is this Course for?

This course is specifically formulated to help beginners and empower them with the vision through which they can successfully incorporate mindfulness practices in their daily routine.

Topics for this course

10 Lessons


3 Reasons Mindfulness Helps You Grow as a Person00:04:07

What Is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness In Times Of Chaos

Mindfulness And The Body

Mindfulness And The Mind

Mindfulness And The Spirit

Mindfulness As A Growth Opportunity

Mindfulness In Meditation

Bringing It All Together: Holistic Mindfulness For Your Entire Essence


About the instructor

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5 Courses

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woman doing yoga